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双语听智博|Hi! SCE,Robot Robot Robot来了!

2019-08-28 11:09:56

Hey guys! Welcome back. 欢迎继续收听智博会双语特别节目《Hi! SCE》。




The smart home system has made our ordinary life more like science fiction. In the pavilion of the Bonded Port Area, a smart stand-up lamp with eye-tracking technology makes it easy for us to switch lights without looking for another remote control, while the built-in AI can create the appropriate indoor light for you by predicting your emotions.





In the Mitsubishi Electric display area, the "fan dance" robot is surrounded by 475 paper cranes, with fans dancing in their hands. While waving its arms, the robot also perfectly avoids the surrounding paper cranes. This flexible arm, aka the "six-axis robotic arm", is widely used in handling, assembly, welding and other processes.

An intelligent sweeper equipped with self-driving and garbage identification system can independently plan the route and identify obstacles, automatically avoid pedestrians, identify traffic lights and accomplish water-free dry cleaning, and dual-use operations. The workload of one intelligent sweeper is equivalent to seven or eight sanitation workers.

According to your preference, the Smart Liquor and Tea-Making Machine can prepare a glass of cocktail or a cup of tea for you. And a delivery drone will not only "see" traffic lights, but also avoid obstacles to automatically travel to the destination, and notify the users the arrival of their package. User only need to enter the pick-up code to get their package.



On August 26th, Singapore's Ferri Hospital operated a surgery without any cuts, bleeding, or wound. The real-time picture of the operation was on live through a dedicated data channel to the expo. This operation used the ultrasound from the outside of the body and directly targeted the infected area inside our body, and used temperature up to 100 Celsius degrees to clean these infected tissues. Ultimately we would be able to directly melt these infected tissues without any cuts, bleeding, or wound.




智博会上除了各显神通的robots,还有哪些值得期待的?欢迎收听下期Hi! SCE,我们一起发现精彩!




审核:周梦莹 侯了

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